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How to have good lighting in your video ?

Lighting in the most important factor of video

if you want to improve the lighting of your video, keep reading:

1.Use natural light

natural light is the best form of light. If there is a window near you, use its light as it provides soft illumination. The light of window or natural light should be coming from a side instead of the camera's behind or front.

2.Buy good lighting equipments

Lighting equipments like soft box lights or ring lights or any other professional light can definately improve lighting. These can help you adjust the shape of your lighting and other things like intensity etc.These can be bought through amazon in both cheap and expensive prices.

3.Play with white balance

You can adjust your camera's white balance according to the environment , which will help getting the correct lighting. just keep adjusting white balance of your camera until you like it, by the way you can also do that after the video has been in shot through editing, but that would not be that natural.

4.Use a background light

use a backlit in your video by placing a light behind the subject. It will add depth effect to your video which means that it will separate your subject from the background because placing a light behind your subject will make your subject look a little bit dark due to which it will look separated. Use natural light like sunlight if you dont have a backlit.

5.use practical lights

Use practical lights such as lamps or any led strips which will make the scene look good and add depth to the video . In dark places such as rooms, lamps will give a perfect light. Place the lamp to the side of subject and not behind the camera or behind the subject.

6.Use smoke

If you can use any fog or smoke, It would be the best. It will spread the light in all directions and also the smoke will be visible . It will make your video look intense. If you shooting any action, horror or thriller video, smoke is a must.


Thanks for reading


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